You can be that ONE DAD
that changes your family tree forever!

We are a brotherhood of dads who dare to be uncommon in an all too common world. 
We stand up to the way society sedates and programs us as men. 

We fight for our childrens' future to be better than ours.

We lead ourselves first so our families follow.  

The time to get into the fight is now!

We only get 18 seasons with our kids.

By age 12, 75% of the time we get with our children is gone.

By age 18, 95% of the time we get with them is gone.

It's time to take action and rise as The Warrior Dad you were born to be!


The Warrior Dad Success Stories

"I've done a thousand things, I've read all the books, listened to all the podcasts, I've done it all.
The Warrior Dad Experience has brought more stability in my life than all that by 10X” 
- Alex Laperouse, President of Greenberg Properties, Dad of 4

"Just a week into The Warrior Dad Experience and 
I was in a bit of awe frankly,
how the positivity and how the little things radiate to my family.  
Before, life balance was skewed towards work, historically I was a lone wolf, 
it's changed my family fundamentally." 
- Jeff Sanford, SVP of Asset Magement Company, Dad of 1

"I'm more disciplined and intentional with my wife and kids, routine now drives actions 
rather than feelings which is how I used to operate" 
- Jim Curran, VP of Sales, Dad of 2

"I was stuck in a rut
this program gave me the 
accountability of a group to stay consistent
and keep going, I would typically do something for a week then fall off, and gave me the 
intentionality to pour into my wife and kids each day." 
- Bo Evans, US Navy Operations Officer, Dad of 3

"It enhanced me as an intentional father, 
the relationship with my 6-year old daughter has grow
and our connection is better than ever.  
I'm now the master of my ship and energy." 
- Paul Jones, Company Founder, Dad of 2 

"I was stuck in a rut for the last 5 to 7 years at work, 
now I'm the captain of my ship and taking control back. 
I read all the self help books that everyone knows but nothing stuck, 
having the accountablity and living it was so impactful. My discipline, consistency and switching my mindset were huge wins." 
- Tyler Milton, Sales , Dad of 1 

"I want to be that dad that changes his family tree forever, 
it's exciting to be able to give my sons the tools and strategies they can use now and in their future. 
My seven year old ouy of nowhere said, 
"Dad, you're the best dad in the world." 
- Marco Grandi, Leadership Trainer , Dad of 2 

"One of my top priorities in life is to be a great father and husband, 
one of the most powerful shifts that happened during the experience was defining 
my identity as husband and father of the year to drive my actions. 
I've connected deeper with my kids and wife through the tokens of love we do daily in the program.  
- Tristen O'Brien, Associate Director , Dad of 2 

"The routines that I learned and now have, I will keep forever.  
Getting better sleep due to the PM bookends was a game changer.   
It's exciting to use these tools that I didn't have growing with my dad. 
I'm now proactive and have my identity defined which drives my actions."
- Shawn Clark, CEO of CRG Properties , Dad of 1 and another on the way

1,000,000 DADS 
2,000,000 Children
by January 1, 2053

How do we do that?
The Warrior Dad Experience

In this 10-week, groundbreaking experience you will unlock your next level and the next level in your children.

Here are the benefits of the Experience:

  • Foundation for Sustained Growth Personally and Professionally: We control the AM and PM Bookends of our days to create energy, focus, abundance and more time in our lives.
  • Increase Your Intentionality with your Children: Be present in the moment of the time you spend with your kids
  • Peak physical, mental, emotional health: Learn the cutting edge strategies to be in the best shape physically and mentally you've been in your life.
  • Plant Seeds of Growth in Your Children: Lead and guide your children by teaching them what you learn to set them up for success, these methods aren't taught in schools.
  • Become More Consistent and Accountable: Be the type of dad who shows up every day regardless of how he feels, be accountable and congruent with your word.  
  • Conquer your demons and negative self-talk: Harness the power of your mind to help you rather than stop you, preprogram your subconscious for success.  
  • Eliminate kryptonites that are holding you back: Remove those negative vices that you know you should stop but haven't.  
  • Stress relief and controlling emotions: Learn startegies to conquer anxiety and stress to create sustained happiness.
  • Be damn proud to look at yourself in the mirror: Develop an inner self confidence that will be felt by everyone you come in contact with. 
  • Create a legacy that will live on for generations: Create a foundation of growth for your family and the coming generations.
  • Brotherhood and acceptance: Be in a group of dads that are on their toes and attacking life, supporting each other along the way.  
We Focus on 3 Virtues in the Experience
By dialing in your energy both physically and mentally, you achieve more in less time.  By being a positive energetic force for your family they follow your lead.  
Consistency is the ultimate force multiplier in life.  By showing consistency you get the results you've been chasing.  Showing up and getting the work in each day is a foundation of what we do.  
By becoming accountable on a daily basis we build confidence, grit and courage in our lives as dads.  This helps in every aspect of our lives but especially in our family relationships.  

Listen to 
The Warrior Dad Podcast

Warriors Take Action...
What Are You Waiting For?
Class VII is now enrolling...

Book a time to unlock that next level of potential you know you have inside.   

It's time to lead, your children are waiting and watching.  

Contact Founder; Jeff Wickersham at

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